PIE Students & 3M Launch Historic STEM "Straight A" Apps In Ohio Statehouse with Legislators
Columbus, Ohio – How do you offer students a real world problem and prepare them for a career in science and manufacturing? You ask business partners to create an everyday challenge...
Partnership for Innovation in Education Celebrates Launch of
Student-Designed App at Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies
Event to Honor STEM Project Designed to Help Ohio Students Succeed
CINCINNATI – (May 11, 2015) Imagine learning another language while shooting some hoops? The students at the Academy of Multilingual...
Clark Montessori Students Design App About
Environmental Sustainability & Healthy Food Choices
With Gorman Heritage Farm
CINCINNATI – (May 18, 2015) Is that organic lettuce really better for you? Ask a 13-year old student farmer in downtown Cincinnati! The students at Clark Montessori partnered with...
CINCINNATI – (May 27, 2015) In “Carnival Race,” a new, global Android and Apple app designed by students at Rothenberg Preparatory Academy, players are not only on a race, but they are taken on a musical journey with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. While the player...
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital assisted with content expertise
CINCINNATI – (May 26, 2015) Is an apple or an oatmeal cookie a better healthy choice? It’s not every day that you hear “exercise” and “good health” associated with video/digital games, but the students at Rockdale Academy have found...
CINCINNATI – (May 21, 2015) what do an art thief and an Olympian have in common? Both are the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) apps created by Cincinnati Public School students with a program facilitated by the Partnership for Innovation in Education...