PIE CEO and Founder Nominated for 2016 ServeOhio Awards
CINCINNATI – (March 31, 2016) Mary Welsh Schlueter, Partnership For Innovation in Education (PIE) CEO and founder, has been nominated for the Ohio Commission on Service and Volunteerism’s 2016 ServeOhio Awards for the Southwest Ohio region.
“I am...
PIE and Polar 3D Develop Experiential STEM Curriculum
Partnership Teaches Local Students 3D Modeling and Prototyping
CINCINNATI – (March 17, 2016) Engineers, designers and scientists think and work in 3D, and Partnership For Innovation in Education (PIE) has teamed up with Cincinnati-based Polar 3D to create their...
Student-Designed PIE Game Ranked “Top 500 Arcade” App by Google Play
CINCINNATI – (Jan.13, 2015) “Foster Jump,” a student-designed Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) app has been ranked a “Top 500 Arcade” app by Google Play. Cincinnati Public students from the School for Creative and...
Partnership for Innovation in Education CEO Honored as Finalist for Cincinnati Chamber’s Women’s Business Award
CINCINNATI – (Nov. 23, 2015) Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) CEO and founder, Mary Welsh Schlueter, has been named a finalist for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber’s 10th annual “WE...
Partnership for Innovation in Education Presented Local STEM Work to Ohio “Straight A” Fund Committee Evaluators
CINCINNATI – (Nov. 20, 2015) Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) presented its innovative STEM work with local schools during the Ohio General Assembly and Governor’s Office “Straight A Fund”...