PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | On the Air
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PIE on the Air

PIE on the Air

Ohio Nonprofit Receives $5,000 for Local Drone and Air Mobility Youth Program

17:51 31 August in Latest Education News, Latest PIE News, PIE on the Air, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Welsh (513) 378-8370 mary@piemedia.org   Ohio Nonprofit Receives $5,000 for Local Drone and Air Mobility Youth Program CINCINNATI– (August 29, 2024)–Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) was recently awarded a $5,000 Bill and Dottie Wilder Foundation grant. These funds are awarded to implement the “Advanced Air Mobility...

Ohio Nonprofit Receives $850,000 for Afterschool Youth Program

22:05 26 August in Latest Education News, Latest PIE News, PIE on the Air, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

Ohio Nonprofit Receives $850,000 for Afterschool Youth Program CINCINNATI– (August 26, 2024)–The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) recently awarded the Partnership for Innovation for Education (PIE) a 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) funded program. The 5-year federal government award of $850,000 funds community...

PIE Receives $375,000 for SW Ohio Youth Workforce Funding

21:49 19 August in Latest Education News, Latest PIE News, PIE on the Air, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mary Welsh (513) 378-8370 maryschlueter@me.com, mary@piemedia.org Local Nonprofit Receives $375,000 in K-12 Youth Workforce Funding CINCINNATI– (August 19, 2024)– Cincinnati-based nonprofit organization, Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) announced its receipt of $250,000 from Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted, Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation...

Ohio Nonprofit Receives $25,000 for Formula 1 Engineering and Technology Program

00:19 16 August in Latest PIE News, PIE on the Air, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Welsh Schlueter (513) 378-8370 cell mary@piemedia.org   Ohio Nonprofit Receives $25,000 for Formula 1 Engineering and Technology Program CINCINNATI– (August 7, 2024)–Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) was recently awarded a technology grant from the Bell Charitable Foundation as part of the foundation’s mission to promote connectivity...

Partnership for Innovation in Education Receives Two Best Buy Foundation Grants

04:33 04 February in Latest Education News, Latest PIE News, PIE on the Air, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

CINCINNATI– (February 3, 2022)–Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) was recently awarded two grants from the Best Buy Foundation, part of the Best Buy corporation which supports organizations that demonstrate a track record for building skill proficiency in technology through out-of-school time programs. PIE received a...

PIE on Air with Matt Kelley on WNKU

12:05 19 June in PIE on the Air by PieMedia

PIE on Air with Matt Kelley on WNKU PIE STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathmatics) Grant with Duke Energy Foundation. Kids write a health nutrition and wellness app. ...