Pfau Foundation Awards PIE Funding for STEM Career Credentialing
Partnership for Innovation in Education Receives Grant from The Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation for K-12 Industry Career Certification in Data Analytics and Drone Programming
CINCINNATI–(November 10, 2020) Cincinnati-based Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) recently received a $25,000 grant from the Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation in support of its remote learning STEM career technology credentialing programs for high school students in the Cincinnati Public School District.
The Pfau Foundation was established in 1994 in Cincinnati by Daniel A. Pfau and Susan Laufer Pfau. The Foundation’s primary focus is on the education, health, cultural experience, and social welfare of disabled children, adolescents, young adults (to age 30), and their families. A secondary focus is on disadvantaged children, adolescents, young adults (to age 30), and their families. There is a special interest in programs which help clients realize their full potential.
“We are honored to be a recipient of such a generous grant from the Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation. Our mission is to help local students become credentialed in high-demand Information Technology, Cybersecurity, and Business careers using Data Analytics and Drone Programming. These skillsets are pivotal building blocks for careers in emerging technology both in Ohio and in the global marketplace,” said Mary Welsh Schlueter, CEO of PIE and its CaseLAB®and DronePreneur programs.
About PIE CaseLAB®
Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) develops transformational educational tools preparing the 21stcentury workforce for success in the global marketplace. With its CaseLab®program, PIE features first-ever career simulation and mentoring alliances with business, education and arts organizations, providing hands-on learning in the K-16 classroom. PIE is a 501c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, awarded the GuideStar Nonprofit “Platinum” Ranking and is an Ohio School District Partner. For more information, visit http://stem.piemedia.org or follow @PIE_Innovation on Twitter.