PIE Game Ranked by Google as “Top 500” App
Student-Designed PIE Game Ranked “Top 500 Arcade” App by Google Play
CINCINNATI – (Jan.13, 2015) “Foster Jump,” a student-designed Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) app has been ranked a “Top 500 Arcade” app by Google Play. Cincinnati Public students from the School for Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) created the app with representatives from PIE, Hamilton County Job and Family Services (JFS) and Northern Kentucky University’s Center for Applied Informatics. The ranking is based on “Editor’s Favorite Picks” and downloads.
In “Foster Jump,” the player takes on the role of a child in the foster care system. As the player jumps on his skateboard, he must prepare for life’s obstacles. The player learns valuable life lessons in an engaging and fun arcade game format.
Nick Nissley, Ed.D., the Executive Director of SCPA, stated that the school is excited to see opportunities like this and for SCPA students to engage in STEAM learning – where the arts intersect with technology. He shared, “Given student interest and shifts in the creative arts world, we’re beginning to explore the possible addition of an e-media major for our SCPA students. And, this project with PIE reinforced, that there’s a growing student interest in the emerging e-media professions.”
The Northern Kentucky University student who helped design and develop the app with SCPA students, A.J. Ryan, said, “‘Foster Jump’ was a fun game to create with a unique premise and classic arcade gameplay. As SCPA students worked with JFS administrators and kids in the foster care system, they were able to provide a window into their career decisions. I’m glad people are enjoying the game and perhaps understanding more about kids in the foster care system.”
“We are thrilled Google has recognized the app in this manner, and we really appreciate the work the students at SCPA put into this,” said Moira Weir, director of Hamilton County Job and Family Services. “Thank you to PIE for leading this effort and focusing on a population — foster children — that normally does not receive a lot of positive attention.”
To learn more and to download “Foster Jump,” click here.
About PIE
Partnership For Innovation In Education (PIE) develops transformational educational tools preparing the 21st century workforce for success in the global marketplace. PIE features first-ever mentoring alliances with education, business and arts organizations, providing hands-on simulations in the K-12 classroom. PIE is a 501c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, awarded the GuideStar Nonprofit “Gold Exchange” Ranking. For more information, visit www.piemedia.org or follow @PIE_Innovation on Twitter.
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