PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | Rothenberg Preparatory Academy Students Design Classical Music-Inspired App With Cincinnati Pops Orchestra & ArtsWave
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Rothenberg Preparatory Academy Students Design Classical Music-Inspired App With Cincinnati Pops Orchestra & ArtsWave

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Rothenberg Preparatory Academy Students Design Classical Music-Inspired App With Cincinnati Pops Orchestra & ArtsWave

16:42 27 May in Latest PIE News

CINCINNATI – (May 27, 2015) In “Carnival Race,” a new, global Android and Apple app designed by students at Rothenberg Preparatory Academy, players are not only on a race, but they are taken on a musical journey with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. While the player races around the track, various songs from the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra’s recent recording of Camille Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals play – helping the racer keep the beat while picking up musical notes and trying to score the best time.

Students from Rothenberg Preparatory Academy partnered with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, ArtsWave and Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) to develop “Carnival Race.” The students will launch the app alongside representatives from ArtsWave and PIE during a special presentation at the school on Thursday, May 28, 2015, at 9 a.m.

Cincinnati-based PIE works with students and educators to develop transformational educational tools to accelerate academic achievement in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects, especially among girls and minorities. With 25 percent of PIE partners representing arts and music industries, this STEAM project showed how using the arts in the science and math classroom allows students to become more creative innovators and entrepreneurs.

This project featured the use of the Socratic Learning Method, which is typically used in graduate and undergraduate programs. It allowed arts, business and community executives to serve as in-classroom mentors as students solved a “real life” simulation, which the organization was currently facing.

“These apps ‘gameify’ STEM concepts and allow students to develop ‘work ready’ skills found in careers such as project engineers, art directors, marketing managers and chief information officers. They experience the thrill of ‘doing’ and better understand the meaning of their education,” said Mary Welsh Schlueter, CEO for PIE.

PIE case partners, the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra and ArtsWave, mentored Rothenberg students during the creation of this app.

“It was truly rewarding to meet with the students as they solved ‘real-life’ challenges during the creation of this app,” said John Morris Russell, conductor of the Cincinnati Pops. ”I was inspired by the students as they gained a greater appreciation for classical music and learned more about what we do at the Pops.”

“We are pleased to support PIE and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra in helping the students use critical thinking skills to create a game that incorporates classical music in a fun, digital format that players of all ages can enjoy,” said Alecia Kintner, President and CEO, ArtsWave.

During this project, Rothenberg students were asked to analyze information, develop research, utilize technology resources and work together to provide workable solutions. With the help of Northern Kentucky University’s Center for Applied Informatics, students learned basic coding and developed an interactive, digital app.

“The students were especially excited to meet with the orchestra members and the sound engineers. Not only did they enjoy a problem solving opportunity, but they also had the chance to experience the thrill of listening and creating a musical experience,” said Doug Werling, teacher at Rothenberg Preparatory Academy. “Using music to teach math and science makes sense. The kids learned that developing a musical score depends upon sound ‘ecosystems’. This project provided them a chance to experience 21st century careers and gain valuable new skill sets with an international arts partner.”

About PIE
Partnership For Innovation In Education (PIE) develops transformational educational tools preparing the 21st century workforce for success in the global marketplace. PIE features first-ever mentoring alliances with education, business and arts organizations, providing hands-on simulations in the K-12 classroom. PIE is a 501c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, awarded the GuideStar Nonprofit “Gold Exchange” Ranking. For more information, visit www.piemedia.org or follow @PIE_Innovation on Twitter.