We need more of these programs in Ohio School Districts. In fact, I’m prepared to join other State and Education Committee legislators to visit these PIE schools and see ‘first hand’ how they are preparing Ohio students for the global marketplace. We need to be the leader in providing innovative and work-ready opportunities for our youngest citizens, in collaboration with Ohio’s STEM industry leaders.
PIE overcomes the disconnect between K-12 and real life. It offers more engagement to kids, allowing them to "own" their learning. The Governor and I talk about how to connect jobs to the classroom. This is an innovative program allowing kids - and adults - to start thinking in this way.
PIE has earned the respect and esteem of many and we are certain that in the years to come, it will continue to display the same unwavering commitment to excellence for which you have become known. PIE is truly deserving of high praise.
PIE enables students to excel in the workforce and guarantee a high level of success. Because of PIE, Ohio has gained a reputation as a state whose organizations are responsive to the problems and needs of their communities.
We congratulate PIE on developing transformational K12 STEM curriculum connecting educators with business leaders and creating new learning and leadership tools for 21st century workforce success. Ohio is a better place because of PIE.
The Partnership for Innovation in Education bridges gaps to better futures and generates innovative avenues for STEM education. Its organizational leadership and dedication is invaluable to Cincinnati’s students, educators and future employers such as Direct Energy.
We are pleased to support PIE and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra in helping the students use critical thinking skills that incorporates classical music in a fun, digital format that students of all ages can enjoy.
It was truly rewarding to meet with the students as they solved ‘real-life’ challenges. I was inspired by the students as they gained a greater appreciation for classical music and learned more about what we do at the Pops.
As an organization focused on building global engagement and cooperation, it was a rewarding experience to help the students at PRM gain a broader worldview and develop a deeper knowledge of another culture.
As a provider of professional translation services, we saw great value in helping these students test and grow language skills. I enjoyed helping students learn more about my business and future career opportunities featuring global language skills.
We are grateful to have been a part of this project that educates the next generation on healthy food choices while encouraging them to innovate a new way to share their findings. This PIE project was the impetus to have these students see the STEM disciplines in a fun way. As STEM is the bedrock and the future of global business, it is important for our young people to embrace these fields. It was invigorating to work with students and teachers on an agriculturally-based project allowing students to make environmental and nutritional choices. Most importantly, they learn about the impact of their decisions. We are grateful to have been a part of this project that educates the next generation of environmental scientists and nutritionists, while encouraging them to innovate, investigate and share their findings.
Congratulations on the great success in securing the ODE Straight A Education Grant! This is really exciting and will impact a lot of lucky [Rothenberg] students!
The chance to work with these students gives us a better opportunity to expose them to STEM fields at an early age.
This is a clever and sustainable pathway for business to help increase school and student achievement. Hats off to PIE!
Business case studies are an exciting way for students to become better problem solvers. Case-based learning has been at the core of Harvard Business School for nearly a century, and I’m thrilled that PIE is adapting the case method for K-12 education.
The Cincinnati Art Museum was honored to be the PIE partner with Sands Montessori. We asked Sands’ students to solve the problem of designing Cincinnati-themed exhibitions within limited gallery space. Through this case-based learning approach it was evident that the students were active learners being exposed to science, technology, engineering, math AND art.
Partnering with the GCWAC on this app gave our students the chance to learn more about other cultures and languages in a fun, digital format. They learned why it’s important to analyze a country’s financial health and how it impacts its citizens and their environment. In the end, the students figured out that the children of Brazil aren’t very different from themselves.
This project gave our students the opportunity to use critical thinking skills like a scientist that will help them in their future careers. Taft and PIE showed our students how art better informs STEM skills. You can’t be a great scientist without using creativity and innovation in your work. Tell me how I can help bring this program to our school again!
Without the partnership with PIE, our students would not have access to this new and innovative approach to learning. This curriculum allows students to be prepared to adapt to new and innovative approaches to learning throughout their educational careers.
“With PIE serving as the link, this program allowed a meaningful way for business partners to actually become involved with our school.
PIE helps develop problem-solving skills employers want, and helps make our students career-ready.
The students were especially excited to meet with the orchestra members and the sound engineers. Not only did they enjoy a problem solving opportunity, but they also had the chance to experience the thrill of listening and creating a musical experience. Using music to teach math and science makes sense. The kids learned that developing a musical score depends upon sound ‘ecosystems’. This project provided them a chance to experience 21st century careers and gain valuable new skill sets with an international arts partner.
This program allowed my students to take leadership roles in their learning. They realized their future STEM career dreams with PIE.
Our case partner was amazing. They delivered a new learning process and an authentic ‘doing’ experience to our students. My kids won’t forget this case!
My students are excited coming to class. They love having an authentic CEO “in residence” serving as a possible glimpse of their future career. He’s not only an educational asset in our classroom, he’s a “doing” mentor for our students.
PIE’s Case-based learning builds relevance for learning in the classroom. I’m committed to adopting these programs in my new school next year.
The case with 3M and PIE offered a ‘real life’ problem-based experience for students. We were able to cross pollinate our lessons among other subject areas, and we became an active learning partner with an international STEM business.
I love the whole project. It’s bigger than our other assignments and we need to justify our solutions with real-time research. Plus, I have my ideas and solutions for everyone to see around the world.
I never, ever thought I could be a scientist. But now I really think I could do this.
I’m helping someone who looks just like me, but they aren’t like me at all. We worked with a government agency to help foster kids find lifetime mentors. We interviewed foster kids, analyzed data, and researched programs across the country. This project allowed us to help kids, and we used math to come up with our solution.
We developed and launched a whole new flavor with the CEO of a gelato company. We created new flavor profiles, taste-tested, and used algebra to develop cost accounting charts. Every kid is looking forward to this class.
We used the scientific process to ‘engineer’ our answer to the case. A doctor and a business professor met with us and talked about how our solution would affect patients in a hospital. Plus we got to develop an app that kills germs! Very cool!
This case taught me how to be a global citizen. When the State Department staff came to our presentation, I discovered that we had a lot in common between our countries!
I liked stepping out of my comfort zone. This class allowed me to create something where the solution wasn’t already predetermined. Even our teacher didn’t know the answer!
PIE helps develop problem-solving skills employers want, and helps make our students career-ready.
Just tell me how I can help bring this program to our schools again.
My students are excited coming to class. They love having an authentic executive "in residence" serving as a reminder of their future career. He's a great asset to our classroom.
I’m helping someone who looks just like me, but they aren’t like me at all. We worked with a government agency to help foster kids find lifetime mentors. We interviewed foster kids, analyzed data, and researched programs across the country. This project allowed us to help kids, and we used math to come up with our solution.
Case-based learning builds relevance for learning in the classroom. I’m committed to adopting these programs in my new school next year.
The case with 3M and PIE offered a 'real life' problem-based experience for students. We were able to cross pollinate our lessons among other subject areas, and we became an active learning partner with an international STEM business.
Congratulations on the great success in securing the ODE Straight A Education Grant! This is really exciting and will impact a lot of lucky [Rothenberg] students!
The chance to work with these students gives us a better opportunity to expose them to STEM fields at an early age.
PIE overcomes the disconnect between K-12 and real life. It offers more engagement to kids, allowing them to “own” their learning. The Governor and I talk about how to connect jobs to the classroom. This is an innovative program allowing kids - and adults - to start thinking in this way.
Business case studies are an exciting way for students to become better problem solvers. Case-based learning has been at the core of Harvard Business School for nearly a century, and I'm thrilled that PIE is adapting the case method for K-12 education.
With PIE serving as the link, this program allowed a meaningful way for business partners to actually become involved with our school.
What I loved about working with [PIE] Aiken students was how proud they were of initiating and developing this project, of becoming experimenters and 'experts.' I was delighted we at the Taft could interact with the students on a number of levels: we brought them here to the Taft for an interactive interpretive activity and tour; I visited the schools to work with kids 1:1 then they returned to the Taft to formally present their work. They were so proud they dressed up and showed off what they could do; they were the experts and wanted to share their knowledge in the gallery.