PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | Videos
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Who We Are

Trailer Video


“Innovation in the classroom engages students, and they learn almost unintentionally. We are turning this experience into a curriculum, so other schools can use this methodology. The Harvard-style case based curriculum is traditionally used only at the college level.” Says Mary Welsh Schlueter, CEO of Partnership for Innovation in Education. The non-profit focuses on the STEAM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math in 18 Cincinnati Area Schools this year.


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PIE Career and College Readiness


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Overview Video


Emerging 21st century careers demand greater agility to solve tomorrow’s challenges today. In collaboration with urban Ohio School Districts, Fortune 500 business executives, arts and community leaders, PIE showcases the use of case-based  (Socratic) learning typically available only in graduate and undergraduate Science Technology Engineering and Math classrooms.  The problem-based method accelerates “career ready” STEM learning and offers new entrepreneurial career pathway opportunities for K-12 students.


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PIE Steam Ballet


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P!E Media Venue Civic Leadership Awards


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Direct Energy Volunteer Citizen of the Year


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