PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | Services Overview
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Services Overview

The Innovation Process

Services Overview

PIE serves as the bridge between the education sector and its community partners. Our staff serves K-12 Educators, School District Administrators, Business Partners, University Research Staff, Chamber of Commerce Directors, Legislators, Law Enforcement and After-School Organizations.

PIE delivers transformational, vertically-integrated programs guaranteeing high-quality, specialized content delivery with real-time assessments.

We Provide:

  • Standards-based curriculum materials
  • Teacher Professional Developement
  • Reusable, hands-on 21st century curriculum materials
  • Digital Assessment and program evaluation
  • Incremental School District Revenue

  • 1:1 Computer Technology
  • Emerging Business, community, government and administrative partnerships
  • Career Pathway Aptitude Student Testing
  • Certified Mentor & STEM Educator Match Assessments
  • University Education Training Skills Certification