PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | The Innovation Process
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The Innovation Process

The Innovation Process

What Is Case-Based Learning?

The Case Based “Socratic” Learning Model Features Students as Active Decision Makers and Problem Solvers.

Pioneered at Harvard University, the case-based method is the primary mode of instruction at medical, law, business and engineering schools. Cases present students with open-ended, incomplete scenarios requiring complex solutions. Each case is an account of events and facts particular to the problem, with intriguing decision points designed to encourage critical thinking and student discussion. Cases are solved through the dynamic process of exchanging information, countering and defending varying points of view, and building on the ideas of others.

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Services Overview

PIE serves as the bridge between the education sector and its community partners. Our staff serves K-12 Educators, School District Administrators, Business Partners, University Research Staff, Chamber of Commerce Directors, Legislators, Law Enforcement and After-School Organizations.

PIE delivers transformational, vertically-integrated programs guaranteeing high-quality, specialized content delivery with real-time assessments.

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Case Studies

Solve our case challenges! View our case study and app library and see how PIE curriculum allows students to experience their future.

PIE Partners

  • 25% Fortune 100 Companies

  • 25% Arts and Music Organizations

  • 15% Community Nonprofit Organizations

  • 25% of all PIE Partners are small businesses with 50 employees are or less

  • 10% of PIE Partners are Government Agencies
    100% of University Partners are Accredited Higher Education Institutions

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Emerging Technology Partnerships Offer New Learning Opportunities

Emerging Technology Offers New Revenue to Schools

Building digital career simulations, creating talent and skillset assessments, and STEM applications for Apple and GooglePlay sales platforms, students develop new technology pathways never before found in K-12 classrooms.

  • Using 1:1 technology, students create apps available across all global platforms, providing significant new revenue for school districts.
  • Program offers sustainable funding for all program technology, STEM curriculum development and educator professional development.

  • New digital handbook for educators and mentors, developing 1:1 tools for classroom facilitation.
  • Massive Open Online (MOOC) courses available for remote access to case-based teaching skills.