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PIE and Polar 3D Develop Experiential STEM Curriculum
Partnership Teaches Local Students 3D Modeling and Prototyping
CINCINNATI – (March 17, 2016) Engineers, designers and scientists think and work in 3D, and Partnership For Innovation in Education (PIE) has teamed up with Cincinnati-based Polar 3D to create their...
Student-Designed PIE Game Ranked “Top 500 Arcade” App by Google Play
CINCINNATI – (Jan.13, 2015) “Foster Jump,” a student-designed Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) app has been ranked a “Top 500 Arcade” app by Google Play. Cincinnati Public students from the School for Creative and...
Partnership for Innovation in Education to Present Local STEM Work as Part of U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program
PIE and Pleasant Ridge Montessori Welcome Visitors from Eight Countries across the Globe
CINCINNATI – (Nov. 9, 2015) Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE)...
Global Workforce & STEM Mentoring Conferences Featured
Partnership for Innovation in Education
PIE Showcased Innovative Programs Benefitting Local Students
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Oct. 27, 2015) Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) represented its innovative programs aimed at developing transformational educational tools preparing Cincinnati students for the...
Partnership for Innovation in Education Receives $126,600 Community Connectors Grant from Ohio Department of Education
New One-on-One Mentoring Program Will Help Local Students Explore 21st Century Careers
CINCINNATI – (Aug. 27, 2015) Imagine learning about 21st century careers through a one-on-one mentoring relationship with...
PIE Students & 3M Launch Historic STEM "Straight A" Apps In Ohio Statehouse with Legislators
Columbus, Ohio – How do you offer students a real world problem and prepare them for a career in science and manufacturing? You ask business partners to create an everyday challenge...
Partnership for Innovation in Education Celebrates Launch of
Student-Designed App at Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies
Event to Honor STEM Project Designed to Help Ohio Students Succeed
CINCINNATI – (May 11, 2015) Imagine learning another language while shooting some hoops? The students at the Academy of Multilingual...
Clark Montessori Students Design App About
Environmental Sustainability & Healthy Food Choices
With Gorman Heritage Farm
CINCINNATI – (May 18, 2015) Is that organic lettuce really better for you? Ask a 13-year old student farmer in downtown Cincinnati! The students at Clark Montessori partnered with...