PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | Press Release
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Press Release

Legislators Visit Cincinnati Classrooms Featuring PIE Curriculum

16:08 18 April in Latest PIE News, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

Partnership For Innovation in Education Presents STEAM Work to Ohio Department of Education Legislators PIE and Local Students Showcase Case-Based, Experiential Learning  CINCINNATI – (April 18, 2016) Partnership For Innovation in Education (PIE) will showcase its case-based, experiential learning opportunities for Cincinnati Public Schools during a visit from...

Ohio Nonprofit Named TEDx Youth Ambassador

23:53 05 April in Latest PIE News, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

Partnership For Innovation in Education Named a TEDxCincinnati Ambassador CINCINNATI – (April 5, 2016) Partnership For Innovation in Education (PIE), a Cincinnati-based non-profit organization that develops transformational educational tools helping to prepare local students for the 21st century workforce and success in the global marketplace, has...

Global Workforce & STEM Mentoring Conferences Featured Partnership for Innovation in Education

20:38 27 October in Latest PIE News, Press Release by Mary Welsh Schlueter

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Global Workforce & STEM Mentoring Conferences Featured Partnership for Innovation in Education PIE Showcased Innovative Programs Benefitting Local Students WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Oct. 27, 2015) Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) represented its innovative programs aimed at developing transformational educational tools preparing Cincinnati students for the...

PIE Students & 3M Launch Historic Apps

19:47 29 May in Latest PIE News, Press Release by PieMedia

PIE Students & 3M Launch Historic STEM "Straight A" Apps In Ohio Statehouse with Legislators Columbus, Ohio – How do you offer students a real world problem and prepare them for a career in science and manufacturing? You ask business partners to create an everyday challenge...