PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | In The News
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In The News

In the News

Welcome to Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE)

13:29 19 June in Latest PIE News by PieMedia

Welcome to Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) Founded in 2009 by [Mary Welsh Schlueter], The Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and tax-exempt organization. Using experiential, digital, project-based and blended learning methods, PIE serves as a bridge between educators, business, technology and...

PIE on Air with Matt Kelley on WNKU

12:05 19 June in PIE on the Air by PieMedia

PIE on Air with Matt Kelley on WNKU PIE STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathmatics) Grant with Duke Energy Foundation. Kids write a health nutrition and wellness app. ...

State Superintendent visits Milford Schools

19:58 29 May in Latest PIE News by PieMedia

State Superintendent visits Milford Schools Dr. Richard Ross, Ohio’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, saw the Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) program in action when he visited Milford Junior High School on Sept. 25. Milford seventh graders were present for the assembly with Dr. Ross. As...