PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | PIE Receives $350,000 in Grants Supporting Career Readiness Programs for Ohio Students
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PIE Receives $350,000 in Grants Supporting Career Readiness Programs for Ohio Students

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PIE Receives $350,000 in Grants Supporting Career Readiness Programs for Ohio Students

20:42 14 July in Latest Education News, Latest PIE News, Press Release

PIE Receives $350,000 in Grants Supporting Career Readiness Programs for Ohio Students

CINCINNATI – (July 12, 2017) Cincinnati-based Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) recently received $350,000 in grants from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) to support its programs, which help Ohio students gain “hands on” career experience and solve real world challenges faced by businesses and non-profit organizations.

The ODE awarded PIE its third consecutive Community Connectors grant for $200,000. Established in 2014 by the governor and Ohio legislature, the ODE Community Connectors program brings together students, their parents, schools, communities, faith or values based organizations and businesses in mentoring programs. The grant program seeks to strengthen communities, encourage mentoring opportunities and create new pathways for civic engagement that will result in high educational achievement, higher levels of well-being and health, and workforce readiness for Ohio. The two grant opportunities partner with Cincinnati Public Schools and feature the engineering design, fabrication and development of drones, with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Drone Pilot Credentialing with aerospace and security executives. The second grant features multimedia programming with film, video and design executives as students write, film and produce short films for international distribution.

PIE and its educational partners, Clark State Community College and Yellow Springs Schools, also received a $150,000 ODHE STEM Public Private Pilot Program Grant spanning the 2017-2019 academic years. The program offers College Credit Plus credentialing to high school students in Greene County School Districts, allowing students to work alongside SAS Engineering, Motoman Robotics and All A Cart Manufacturing. Students solve a “hands on” engineering and robotics challenge using PIE curriculum, while receiving a College Credit Plus engineering credential from Clark State.

“We are honored to have received this generous grant support from the ODE and ODHE. This funding will enable us to continue to create mentoring opportunities for students with executives from local businesses and non-profit organizations. It also will help us offer students the chance to earn credentials toward their continued education in exciting, real world careers such as drone and aerospace technology, multimedia programming, cyber forensics, and engineering. These opportunities will help Ohio students envision – and act upon – emerging career pathways, while guaranteeing Ohio employers a guaranteed and vetted talent pipeline for their global success,” said Mary Welsh Schlueter, CEO of PIE.

About PIE

Partnership for Innovation In Education (PIE) develops transformational educational tools preparing the 21st century workforce for success in the global marketplace. With its CaseLab program, PIE features first-ever career simulation and mentoring alliances with business, education and arts organizations, providing hands-on learning in the K-16 classroom. PIE is a 501c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, headquartered in Cincinnati.  PIE is a “Platinum” GuideStar Nonprofit Organization, and has just been named Ohio’s “Top Nonprofit” by the Office of the Ohio Secretary of State.  For more information, visit https://piemedia.org or follow @PIE_Innovation on Twitter.
