PIE Media - Partnership for Innovation in Education | Walmart Giving Community Grant Awarded to Partnership for Innovation in Education
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Walmart Giving Community Grant Awarded to Partnership for Innovation in Education

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Walmart Giving Community Grant Awarded to Partnership for Innovation in Education

20:46 08 February in Latest Education News, Latest PIE News, Press Release

PIE CaseLAB® Receives Prestigious “Thinking Big” Walmart Giving Community Grant

CINCINNATI–(February 3, 2021) Cincinnati-based Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) recently received a $2,000 Walmart Community Grant from the Walmart Giving Program for PIE’s CaseLAB® Career Academy programs, which provide STEM and “hands on” career-based learning opportunities in today’s leading digital careers for Cincinnati Public School K-12 students.

The Walmart Community Grant program supports its PIE CaseLAB® Career Academy and its cutting-edge Ohio Department of Education industry credentialing in Business, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology and Transportation career pathways featuring job shadowing, internships and apprenticeship opportunities with Ohio’s business partners.

“We are excited to receive this grant from the Walmart Giving Program. At PIE, we strive to inspire and make an impact on today’s students. Our programs help them experience leading careers in technology and give them resources to mentors and encouragement to begin to envision their own future career pathways,” said Mary Welsh Schlueter, CEO of PIE and its CaseLAB®, DronePreneur Aviation Engineering, and Computer Data Analytics programs.

“By receiving this grant, PIE is a part of a long history of Walmart’s national commitment to giving back to the communities where we operate. We are proud to support PIE and its programs which bring technology and STEM learning experiences to our local students. These programs give our students the opportunity to think big, discover new career opportunities and gain confidence in their own abilities,” said Kristen Falhaber, Store Manager of the Walmart Colerain store location.

About PIE CaseLAB®

Partnership for Innovation in Education (PIE) develops transformational educational tools preparing the 21stcentury workforce for success in the global marketplace. With its CaseLab®program, PIE features first-ever career simulation and mentoring alliances with business, education and arts organizations, providing hands-on learning in the K-16 classroom. PIE is a 501c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, awarded the GuideStar Nonprofit “Platinum” Ranking and is an Ohio School District Partner. For more information, visit http://stem.piemedia.org or follow @PIE_Innovation on Twitter.
